Time, temporality and eternity in the art of directing.


The coming Alexandria Nova international seminar with the title ‘Time, 
Temporality and Eternity ‘ will take place on March 13th and 14th 2021 
and will be hosted by Uniarts Helsinki, Theatre Academy. The event 
takes place on-line, in Zoom. The main language will be english. The 
seminars participants are teachers and students  of theatre directing 
and to the whole field of professionals in theatre/performance 

The open call for the seminar contributions is out now!

Time is an essential element in the work of a director in many ways. 
We want to adress topics such as duration, rhythm and temporal 
structure of performances; the notion of contemporality, timelessness 
and eternity in the context of the work; timestructures in production 
processes; collectively shared time in the transient NOW of 
performance situations. We welcome all proposals dealing with 
different aspects of time connected with the art of theatre directing.

The formats of the contributions can have a great variety from a 
philosophical lecture to practical workshops, discussions or artistic 
interventions. They can adress larger or smaller groups of 
participants, since we plan parallel sessions during the weekend.

The application deadline for the seminar speakers is 31.12.2020. If 
you wish to contribute, please send a maximum one-page description of 
your content with a short biography to the seminars coordinator, Saija 
Raskulla saija.raskulla@uniarts.fi.

The speakers are being contacted and the programme will be announced 
in January.

More information about the content and events of Alexandria Nova and 
participation to the seminar can be obtained by contacting the 
Alexandria Nova Project Manager via regie@hfs-berlin.de
