Latest News
Every end is a new beginning
Our hearts and minds are still filled with the power and love from the Alexandria Nova Berlin Symposium in May. It marked the final event within the three year DAAD/ Erasmus+ funding from the EU that ended on August…
Registration Open: Berlin Jam May 2022
You are warmly welcome to the book launch and Symposium arranged by Alexandria Nova, the network of eight directing programs, in Berlin on the 13th-14th of May.The venue is the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts, Zinnowitzer Straße 11.…
Alexandria Nova Jam May 13th/14th 2022
The Alexandria Nova network invites all interested students, teachers and stage artists to two days of exchange about stage directing in the 21st century and how to teach it. Location: Ernst Busch University of Performing Arts, Berlin / Germany You will…
Alexandria Nova Theatertreffen Lounge
Theatertreffen ist the biggest and most important theatre festival of german speaking countries. This year from May 13th to 24th the festival will be accessible online and free of costs! Beneath the 10 selected ‘most remarkable’ productions of the…
Alternate Reality Games
Enter the rabbit hole: In this session on Monday May 12th from 5 to 7 pm CEST, Julian talks about ARGs as an inspiring form of non-linear storytelling. An ARG allows the audience to participate, explore, and most importantly,…
Artistic inspiration and curiosity
Where does the artistic process start? On May 3rd 5 to 7 pm Alexandria Nova students share material, that inspires them in their creative processes. Inger Eilersen, director and teacher from Copenhagen will discuss processes and methods of finding…
Brecht and the origins of epic theatre pt. 2
Holger Teschke continues to speak about Brecht on Monday April 19th from 5 to 7 pm CEST. You can find the first part of the lecture (and much more!!) on the AN-website if you missed it or want to…
Miglė Remeikaitė on Human Specific Performance
On April 12th from 5 to 7 pm CET the young lithuanian theatre maker Miglė Remeikaitė will present the method of “Human Specific Performance” . The participants will have an opportunity to learn more about this specific participatory theater form. The…
Monday Lecture: Female Authors for Alexandria Nova
On Monday March 29th, 5 to 7pm, Jakob Zeisberger, Laura Talenti and Alina Fluck, all students at the Erst Busch Theatre School, invite you to their peformance/lecture ‘Female Auhors for AN: Marieluise Fleißer – A Pioneer Writer’. During their…
Thomas Ostermeier: mapping democracy
Monday March 22nd 5 to 7 pm CET Alexandria Nova invites you to Thomas Ostermeiers lecture “The Enemy of the People“ on tour – mapping democracy In his play “An Enemy of the People” Henrik Ibsen walks a fine line…

Alexandria Nova is a network of North European directing programs. It aims to create an international and diverse learning environment for the relatively small directing programs of each national institution and make a leap forward in the awareness about pedagogical methods used. We will share practical and pedagogical knowledge, describe and share working methods and gather together understanding about the art of directing.
Latest Lectures from the Alexandria Nova Network
All lectures, excersices and workshops are free to watch. They are all recorded by professionals from the Alexandria Nova network, mostly during online classes like our monday lectures.
Alexandria Nova Timeline
Since 2016
...between the schools in Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Reykjavik
Since 2016
April 2019
Application Alexandria Nova as a ERASMUS+
strategic partnership
April 2019
September 2019
Project start Alexandria Nova
September 2019
8.-10. December 2019
Transnational Project Meeting Oslo
8.-10. December 2019
24. February – 8. March 2020
Workshop and Seminar "collective leadership" at DASPA Copenhagen
24. February – 8. March 2020
April/May 2020
Digital Platform
First draft of the Alexandria Nova Digital Platform
April/May 2020
13.-15. May 2020
Symposium organized by "Ernst Busch" Berlin. Online due to Covid-19.
13.-15. May 2020
September 2020
Monday Lectures
First Monday Lecture
September 2020
September 2020
22 authors for the Alexandria Book were chosen
September 2020
21. – 24. October 2020
Digital Lab
...with all book-authors, 20 international teachers and researchers of theatre directing
21. – 24. October 2020
8.-12. March 2021
Four online Workshops organised by TEAK Helsinki on "Time temporality and Eternity in the art of theatre directing"
8.-12. March 2021
13.-14. March 2021
International online Seminar „Time, temporality and eternity in the art of directing“ with over 70 international participants, organized by TEAK Helsinki
13.-14. March 2021
May 2021
Berlin Theatertreffen Festival
Online Discussions to Theatertreffen Festival
May 2021
23.–30. September 2021
Symposium LMTA Vilnius
23.–30. September 2021
21. – 23. October 2021
Teachers-Lab and transnational project-meeting in SKH Stockholm
21. – 23. October 2021
28. February - 13. March 2022
Workshops and Seminars in Reykjavik
28. February - 13. March 2022
9. - 14. May 2022
Berlin Final Symposium
Final Alexandria Nova Symposium and Jam with launch of book and digital platform
9. - 14. May 2022
31. August 2022
End of EU-DAAD Funding
The Erasmus+ Programme ends but the Alexandria Nova network lives on.
More infos coming soon.
31. August 2022